Friday, February 11, 2011

Super Yummy Aromatic Garlicky Green Beans

Maybe some of you are like me.  You love greens beans.  I love green beans.  They were always my favorite vegetable at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I love when they are fresh, but I will eat frozen.  I love their texture and when they freshly cooked but still crisp and the green, clean, and fresh flavors burst in my mouth.  They are quite neutral at times, and when fresh have a slight sweetness.  Unlike some of the other green vegetables I enjoy, they are not one bit bitter. 
My husband hates green beans.  I am the cook in this family.  I hate to make food that someone might not like, but I also do not want to deprive myself of one of the greatest vegetables on the planet.  Dilemma?  Yes.  Insurmountable?  No.  Unless there are allergies involved, with some creativity we can get our loved ones to share in our passion for green beans.  With this in mind, I had to get a little bit crafty.  I know that Ettore loves garlic and red Calabrian peppers.  I also happen to know that greens beans are one of the only vegetables his mom does not cook well.  That is saying a lot, I might add.  She is an excellent cook, and some of the best vegetable dishes I have had have been in her kitchen.  However, knowing this weakness and knowing that this is what Ettore is basing his prejudice on, I created these super delicious garlicky green beans.

1 lb. green beans
5-6 sun dried tomatoes, chopped
6-10 cloves of garlic, crushed
1-3 tsp of crushed calabrian red peppers (depending on how hot you want them)
½ cup crushed almond or almond slivers
1 vegetable bouillon cube
5 tbs olive oil
Splash of white wine
1/2 of Celtic sea salt
1-2 cups of water


    In a large deep pan pour in the olive oil and white wine.  Add salt, garlic, and red peppers.  Sauté together on medium heat for about 2 minutes.  Then add the chopped sundried tomatoes almonds, stir and sauté well until the almonds become slightly toasted.  Add one cup of water and simmer all the ingredients together as water with medium heat.  As the garlic begins to soften and break down, mash it down into smaller pieces.  Now throw in the green beans and the rest of the water.  Makes sure to stir well and makes sure the green beans are moist and covered with mix.  Stir and sauté for about 2 minutes on medium heat.  Make sure water is not totally evaporated.  Turn heat to low and allow the beans to simmer for about five minutes, stir occasionally until water has evaporated and the sauce is more like a thick sauce than a soup.  It is important to not allow the beans to become soggy and overcooked.  Beans should stay crisp.  I like to serve this on a bed of farro (Spelt) or Quinoa, which I boil with a bouillon cube and some salt.  Enjoy with an aromatic wine like a Riesling. 
Buon Appetito!!

P.S. My husband said they were the best green beans he had ever eaten. 

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